「I need to find someone outside the ******* that I can trust. It's a short list when you take off the drunk, the mad and the dead. It's quite telling, the fact that the closest thing I have to a friend is someone who thinks I ruined his life.」「I was here just long enough to realise you can do good or you can do well. Sooner or later they make you choose.」「How do you make choice like that? → It's ** ***.」
NigelCrane 2015-10-01
You still know nothing, Jon Snow.
Vanderspur 2015-11-16
诸葛福媛 2015-09-17
harry 叔说the ones like me 的时候心都要碎了啊
#瞬间收藏家# 2016-07-28
拿出Ruth照片的时候简直要哭了……致敬桥段好评,扣题好评,D处死光了……差评= = 爸爸的戒指这种细节有剧集早期的走心感觉,**拜访严重致敬。但作为电影整体气势还是弱了一点。2013-11-06想看
侃侃而谈 2016-05-28
日落可以慢半拍 2015-10-01
为了jon snow看的 除了他之外并不好看
Q·ian·Sivan 2019-07-12
「I need to find someone outside the ******* that I can trust. It's a short list when you take off the drunk, the mad and the dead. It's quite telling, the fact that the closest thing I have to a friend is someone who thinks I ruined his life.」「I was here just long enough to realise you can do good or you can do well. Sooner or later they make you choose.」「How do you make choice like that? → It's ** ***.」
风间隼 2016-12-31
在北京 2015-09-30
雏菊🪴 2015-10-05
tuppence middelton ... 演员都很棒,但剧情不怎么样。