I still remember that walking in Singapore's plant world, you can feel the wildness that belongs to Singapore all the time, but all kinds of animals you see are extremely kind. Fortunately, you were born and have been to Singapore - this exciting lion ****.
蓝翼 2021-06-07
为什么不吃饭团 2024-02-27
Ausleyan 2023-07-09
I still remember that walking in Singapore's plant world, you can feel the wildness that belongs to Singapore all the time, but all kinds of animals you see are extremely kind. Fortunately, you were born and have been to Singapore - this exciting lion ****.
Helen 2024-03-21
8.0/10。 央九纪录*道《全景自然》栏目播出,译名为《野性狮城》,共三集。***《热带雨林》,第二集《秘密天地》,第三集《河流世界》。 印象比较深刻的镜头故事:热带雨林里动物们精妙的以假乱真的伪装术。黑须飞蜥展开的喉旗;借助翼膜滑翔于林间,宛若飞侠一般脱离险境。金斑蝶毛虫如何破茧成蝶。螳螂若虫在温暖的空气中随微风而舞。江獭家族,妈妈悉心照顾幼崽。来自北美洲的红耳龟或**在水边各尽其能地或爬上河中的垃圾**装置晒太阳。倾盆暴雨中,栗鼠鸭妈妈用自己的身体为宝宝们遮雨。
试新茶 2021-04-19