Long Gone Wild
- 上映年代:2019
- 类型:纪录片
- 地区:美国
- 主演: Richard O'Barry Naomi Rose Charles Vinick Lori Marino
- 更新时间:
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Despite key concessions by SeaWorld, its orcas are still performing every day, and in Eastern Russia the magnificent killer whale is hunted for sale into the exploding marine theme park industry in China. Witness an in depth look at the case against captivity, The Whale Sanctuary *******, and covert missions on the high seas and in search of nine orcas held captive at a secret ...
霧風誌MONA 2022-07-08
多毛动物 2024-05-06
当你觉得反对没用 有人持续数年的反对 有时候真的是 社会意识决定社会存在
人民公僕的僕人 2021-05-08
Gehennaaa 2021-05-24
Japan實瓜 2024-02-07
一个国家的伟大和道德进步程度,可由其对待动物的方式得知。纯粹公益科教片,不过只希望所有热爱动物的人don't buy a ticket!
吴邪 2021-05-25
就是拍给中国人看的,不把鲸当鲸,也没把人当人,娱乐至死地言传身教:abusing nature is **,可耻
加加 2023-02-10
“海洋公园的游客在为一些本该斥责的行为鼓掌。” Don’t ever,ever buy a ticket!
Icey 2022-07-15
少说废话 2024-09-12
别放姜 2023-08-11
又见Richard O‘Barry老爷子:We’ve been telling the same lie over and over again and if you keep repeating the same thing over and over again, somehow it becomes the truth. 还有一段文字:The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be determined by the way it treats its animals. -Mahatma Gandhi