boring, again it's stupid earthlings assisting alien invasion because of greed/desire for power etc. Nothing much happens at all in first 3 episodes, lots of bantering and meandering. The whole plot is loose and un-engaging. Leela gets reduced to basically being a 捧哏 for Doctor's jokes that don't quite work.
黑桃生 2021-09-10
杯具的诞生 2012-09-26
Zaggy 🇵🇸 2021-01-01
boring, again it's stupid earthlings assisting alien invasion because of greed/desire for power etc. Nothing much happens at all in first 3 episodes, lots of bantering and meandering. The whole plot is loose and un-engaging. Leela gets reduced to basically being a 捧哏 for Doctor's jokes that don't quite work.
Haimo 2024-01-06
看刀和Leela撒鹽好快樂,這一集兩人還蠻融洽。雖然配角故事線又是差不多流程已經看膩了。Leela溫柔、堅定、果斷,其實她是Doctor Leela!刀一個人關在房間裡還能琢磨點事做,出去特意關燈,就是愛看這種一刻不停的表演啊……時間領主又犯罪,刀嫌惡老鄉(1/1)。timeless child作為一種反烏托邦的表達如果出現在老版會更有意思,也更合適吧。大概兩小集過後就能“我的身世固然離譜但如果是時間領主做的倒也合理”然後該幹嘛幹嘛。**和巧合,新新版RTD又參考了3&4 era吧。很喜歡這個Gran,各方面非常像我*****