John Bronco
- 上映年代:2020
- 类型:喜剧 , 短片
- 地区:美国
- 主演: 沃尔顿·戈金斯 卡里姆·阿卜杜尔-贾巴尔 波·德瑞克
- 更新时间:
John Bronco相关推荐
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A mockumentary. "Some have said that if you were famous before the internet, you might as well never have existed. Such is the case for John Bronco, the greatest pitchman who ever lived. In 1966, Ford tapped him to race their new prototype SUV at the Baja 500 in Mexico. Not only did he win, but he gave a rousing speech that rallied a nation. Legend has it that Ford named the ne...
嵇澹 2024-05-28
强烈怀疑jnolan看了这部才cast的goggins去演cooper howard,或者说尸鬼牛仔的形象很大程度是基于如john bronco等带有极强goggins个人风格的典型角色的综合创作。但是讽刺广告营销和明星效应的mockumentary本质仍是计中计式推销ford bronco的一部花哨广告就有些诡诈,也许正因品牌佯装自嘲以此迎合受众贩售产品,在华丽的卡司阵容和*真的影像做旧之余很难看到szymanski有任何除却安全肤浅娱乐的深度反讽。
thenew 2020-10-17
点子只够做几分钟十分钟的 ******* 搞笑视*