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The Meeting of Two Queens


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《The Meeting of Two Queens》又名Meeting of Two Queens。

Cecilia Barriga’s culty video montage tells the story of two queens who fall in love, unwittingly played by Marlene Dietrich and Greta Garbo. Clipped from their most iconic works, the Chilean born video artist manipulates scenes from the legendary actresses to turn two of the most well known Hollywood starlets in film history into a silent-film style lesbian fantasy. Barriga dr...


犬麦翼司 2023-01-31

开头出现Woman Make Movies 找得很是不容易 它完成了一种不可能性 **性 “尝试重新剪辑和剪辑好莱坞明星 Greta Garbo 和 Marlene Dietrich 主演的电影中的**场景,以便为女***身份政治和身份形成创造空间.它提供了对这些著名好莱坞明星的另一种看法,有效地将他们重新设想为 1990 年代初期蓬勃发展的男女***运动的偶像.The Meeting of Two Queens参与了女权主义政治,因为它是一部为嘉宝和黛德丽的影迷制作的影迷电影——她们是电影史上、女***亚文化和女权主义批评中具有重要意义的明星.Barriga 的电影还有助于通过好莱坞榜样验证一个人的性身份,这对于***身份和团结的形成既是赋权又是解放.”

嗝屁唄: 2023-01-27

把男凝素材剪成 lesbian desire 。

kano 2022-11-21
