Iraq's Invisible Beauty在线观看

Iraq's Invisible Beauty

Iraq's Invisible Beauty

  • 上映年代:2023  
  • 别名:Iraq Invisible Beauty
  • 类型:纪录片
  • 地区:伊拉克 , 比利时 , 法国
  • 更新时间:

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《Iraq's Invisible Beauty》又名Iraq Invisible Beauty。

Latif Al Ani photographed Iraq before the wars. Today he travels his country in search of the people and places in his pictures, sharing them with Iraqis who no longer recognise the world he reveals.


Apathetic Frog 2023-07-22

20230721, Bertha DocHouse 最后在两河交界的地方的那个片段真好!过五十年我也想拿着照片回曾经去过的地方按图索骥一下,不过不能跟像这个导演这么烦人的一起…… 终结了 cinema crawl :-(

Gooner🌈 2023-08-01

独特的自然与人文景观 配上美丽又忧伤的音乐 四个文明的发源地 从北到南追寻摄影师曾经拍摄过的地方 今昔对比 一声叹息 导演的一些问题令人不适

丹妮姑娘 2023-12-11

Watched in Dubai Alserkal avenue outdoor screening. Definitely loved the documentary and the sorrow behind it. Iraq suffered so much trauma and is actually “going backwards” as the photographer mentioned in the film. But it’s still the cradle of **** civilizations and a cultural hub. It was quite an emotional journey throughout these two hours😢