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Every Act of Life


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The life of Tony-winning playwright Terrence McNally (****** Class, Ragtime): 60 years of groundbreaking plays and musicals, the struggle for LGBT rights, addiction and recovery, finding true love, and the relentless pursuit of inspiration.


叁城记 2019-09-28

飞机上看完 还不错 喜欢每个人看事情的角度和方法

席德 2019-09-05


别叫我和桑 2019-06-24

用戏剧影响humanity…我一开始就猜他可能跟Edward Albee有过一腿,酷炫。


“An artist responds to the world, and try to make sense of it. What else do you expect me to write about? The weather?" Terrence McNally因为新冠走了, 又因为新冠和武汉所有的联系,仿佛他的离开和我之间也仿佛多了一点什么联系。McNally看起来很面善,有戏剧人的那种真诚。这个片子的节奏和style都特别像Oren的***纪录片,有不少人我们居然也采访过,看到会会心一笑。节奏很好,不乏味。很想念每一个镜头里的纽约,想念那些和戏剧相关的地名和人名。离开纽约之前唯一看过的他的剧是Frankie and Johnny, 有点想找机会重温一下。

热可可加盐 2020-03-30

The world can and will go on without us but I have to think that we have made this world a better place. That we have left it richer, wiser than we not chosen the way of art.

** 2019-07-26

Love Terrence’s attitude and smile. Moved by the brave and creative productivity!