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Meet Marlon Brando


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Journalists from all over America meet Marlon Brando in a New York hotel room to interview him about his new film, Morituri. Seeing this as an opportunity to let the legendary actor promote the film, they find Brando unwilling to talk about it, instead he is **** interested in larking about and turning on the charm when being interviewed by a former winner of the Miss USA compe...


littleBea 2016-04-20

Marlon Brando当时经历一系列票房失败后,答应拍摄这部纪录片,以宣传新片Morituri。二十多分钟的短片由记者采访组成;事实上,Marlon并不愿意谈论太多电影相关的话题。

Finrod 2023-08-06


RealityBites 2018-01-04


UNcanny 2018-04-19

how far behind the scene?hia hia hia

Larry 2023-12-05

Is it legal to be so charming?

kubrick215 2016-11-02

那个时候的梅索斯兄弟没有Les Blank生猛 一直也没有 同时期的Les的Dizzy Gillespie的纪录短片更好

James 2019-04-17

"Brando is at the height of his charm and charisma, and ironically his relentless attempt to escape being a movie star results in a film that is both a classic documentary and an indelible screen performance."

忧郁小胖 2019-09-10

半夜想起这个在******* 上找来看,英文字幕也没全听懂,但是感觉他好会说话声音又温柔