The Prince of the Pagodas
- 上映年代:1990
- 类型:歌舞
- 地区:英国
- 主演: 达茜·巴塞尔 Jonathan Cope
- 更新时间:
The Prince of the Pagodas相关推荐
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An Emperor must decide which of his two daughters should inherit the throne, and he chooses the evil older sister Belle Epine over the young and beautiful Belle Rose. Belle Rose is taken by magical flying frogs to Pagoda Land, and meets the Prince of Pagoda Land who is in the guise of a Salamander. Belle Rose and the Prince return to the land of her father and confront her evil...
皮皮兔 2018-09-02
太无聊了,MacMillan**粉如我试了好几次都在不到一半的时候就**去了,今天终于坚持到了最后。。。国王筛糠一样发抖那段戏演得太好了我还想这谁演的,一查是Dowell这个戏精本精(。MacMillan因为编曲者不肯让他砍音乐而不得不编了好多自己痛恨的padding dance,感觉他当时一定很崩溃。。。现在的**新首席们哪有一个有达西十九岁时就显露出的 star quality?叹气。
Ithil 2021-04-05