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Los inundados


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《Los inundados》又名Flooded Out。

Due to the flood of the river Salado, the Gaitáns, a poor family living in the North of Argentina, have lost their house. Forced to make multiple train rides in order to escape the rising waters, they discover the people of the hinterland. When they are back, they are given a new house by a politician seeking votes. The only trouble is that it is situated in area liable to - fl...

Los inundados获奖情况

第23届威尼斯电影节:银狮奖 最佳处女作。


丁一 2023-02-24

汤汤洪水方割,浩浩怀山襄陵。舜爷的百姓,倒并不都挤在露出水面的山**,有的捆在树顶,有的坐着木排,有些木排上还搭有小小的板棚,从岸上看起来,很富于诗趣。灾荒得久了,大学早已解散,连幼稚园也没地方开,所以百姓们都有些****。 考察的大人们传见下民的代表——“你们过得还好么?”“托大人的鸿福,还好…敷敷衍衍…混混…我们总有法子的。比如水苔,顶好是做滑溜翡翠汤,榆叶就做一品当朝羹。剥树皮不可剥光,要留下一道,那么,明年春天树梢还会长叶子,有收成。如果托大人的福,钓到了黄鳝……——鲁迅《理水》