Small, Far Away: The World of Father Ted在线观看

Small, Far Away: The World of Father Ted


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On the 15th anniversary of its launch, this documentary follows Father Ted creators Graham Linehan and Arthur Mathews on a return trip to Craggy Island to take in its location and ******* how the series was made with cast and crew.


Célestine 2014-02-09


玉凫 2024-05-19

看得我泪眼汪汪了,father ted是多么甜蜜又荒谬的故事啊——哪怕graham linehan说了那么多颠言颠语,我还觉得他是那种最最难得的天才

年糕·乔治娜 2017-02-05

无字幕依旧开心食用完毕~father ted真的是非常棒的sitcom,graham真·大手,远离世界的小岛上发生的疯疯癫癫又可爱的故事~有机会去爱尔兰一定要去房子那里膜拜~另外演father jack的爷爷去年去世了……feck off!

薄荷灰 2020-10-25

里面有一段Graham Linehan 参加节目的片段,主持人质疑Father Ted 让"Irish"与“ridiculous, stupid, idiotic”等词联系起来,他回应:"I want a country that's not so self-conscious and so intimidated by other countries that they can't have comedy programmes about themselves, that they can't make films about themselves."

师傅鼬 2022-04-18

或许是互联网上最后一点Dermot Morgan的痕迹了,主演的去世给这个剧带来了本不该有的深度,看完后,最后一语成*的结局也显得恐怖沉重。Still,谁能看完后不爱上他和这个角色呢?休息时和剧场观众讲单口,也太温柔可爱了吧。导演什么时候能把花絮放出来?

Helloitchy 2016-12-02
