报告与证词: 1966-1972年阿根廷政治迫害影像纪实
Informes y testimonios
- 上映年代:1973
- 别名:La tortura política en la Argentina, 1966-1972
- 类型:纪录片
- 地区:阿根廷
- 主演: Onofre Lovero
- 更新时间:
报告与证词: 1966-1972年阿根廷政治迫害影像纪实相关推荐
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报告与证词: 1966-1972年阿根廷政治迫害影像纪实下载资源
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《报告与证词: 1966-1972年阿根廷政治迫害影像纪实》又名La tortura política en la Argentina, 1966-1972。
Synopsis: On the forms of physical and mental torture during the dictatorship from 1966 to 1973. Unusual approach to unlawful use in experimental film, activist and very rarely seen. Testimony of Carlos Vallina, one of the directors: Six samples we had made our short film we shared facts, LR 11 Radio programs University, chronicles in our newsletters of cycles, and the same nee...
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