is... is he gradually getting sunburnt from the stage lights? #wakethefuckup#
👏綠大壯🎙🗣 2023-02-02
maisonjar 2022-03-06
what if that's the case with people? what if everyone is exactly the same? we're just living life through different bodies. what if that's the secret of happiness? treat everyone as if it's YOU living another life.
Robo Captain 2017-03-12
literally非常用力 并且没有少练瑜伽的 好担心这位朋友讲着讲着就暴毙 we'll be all watching you kanye:)
Chery 2017-01-02
"All dreams can be real through surgery."
Persona 2020-04-25
4.5 主要是太吵了... 我们就是一群古怪的超有机体,以某种奇怪方式需要着彼此,但我们都不承认,“我是独行者”。是真诚可爱的
石狩川 2019-08-19
is... is he gradually getting sunburnt from the stage lights? #wakethefuckup#
👏綠大壯🎙🗣 2023-02-02
maisonjar 2022-03-06
what if that's the case with people? what if everyone is exactly the same? we're just living life through different bodies. what if that's the secret of happiness? treat everyone as if it's YOU living another life.
allage 2024-06-07
喜欢这种brutal style的,这个世界真的很疯狂!
通米 2021-03-20
第一次認真看Joe Rogen的專場。一開始接受不了,10分鐘之後漸入佳境。黃段子挺多,性別議題,政治諷刺更多。也有暢想式的游弋,馬上自己打斷那種,單人漫才?有很多出梗的方式是憤怒式的宣洩,這個可以。表演性和觀點輸出讓人印象深刻。這樣反觀他的播客,反而是收的。
一个弗兰克 2024-02-21
水包酱 2018-12-10
火星 Scientology 和 德州那三段喜欢的。(听说他有期podcast请到了Bill Burr我觉得我必须不能错过)