逝世后的行程 : 对永生的探究在线观看

逝世后的行程 : 对永生的探究

Flight from Death: The Quest for Immortality


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Narrated by Gabriel Byrne (Usual Suspects, Vanity Fair, Miller's Crossing), this seven-time Best Documentary award-winning film (Silver Lake Film Festival, Beverly Hills Film Festival) is the most comprehensive and mind-blowing investigation of humankind's relationship with death ever captured on film. Hailed by many viewers as a "life-transformational film," Flight from Death ...


Morkrum 2015-08-31


沁云 2015-11-13

以弗洛伊德思想为参考,以Ernest Becker的书为指导,从符号学、逻辑学、宗教、文化、社会心理学等角度探讨了围绕着死亡的种种问题。社会文化对人的意义如此重要,以至于当我们面对迥异甚至相反/未被征*的文化时,心灵深处被唤起的是最原始的死亡恐惧。九一一后的反***心态即是一个例证。

觉梵花 2019-09-16

The earlier you face the truth of life and death, the better your life will be.

夏天的样子 2009-12-10

there is Beethoven's sonata in the backgroud...an analysis of immortality with the reality of the world

Skylaber 2013-04-04

Filmed by the same person in La Source

xpi 2013-06-24

<denial of death> is the best book i've ever read!