The Boy Who Saw Through在线观看

The Boy Who Saw Through

  • 上映年代:1956  
  • 类型:短片 , 儿童 , 奇幻
  • 地区:美国
  • 主演: Christopher Walken
  • 更新时间:

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Mary Ellen Bute was a director mostly known for her experimental animated works, but she also tried her hand at live-action in this short film from 1956. Based on a story by John Pudney, The Boy Who Saw Through tells the tale of a boy that can see through walls and observe the goings-on of the older individuals around him. The boy’s special power is used as a symbol for a child...


Deco 2018-11-28

******,似乎是1890s前后,非常好奇电影**现的某看画片的装置是什么。男孩Ernest突然有一天觉醒了**墙壁的超能力!家人先是以为孩子在撒谎,非常生气。后来随着男孩的“预言”逐一成真,家人吓坏了……Enerst要如何是好?挺有意思的一个故事。将近三十年后,又能看到Ronnie小朋友在大卫柯南伯格✕***金的The Dead Zone里换一种角度演绎这种遭遇,挺缘分的。最近,Yale Film Study Center**National Film Preservation Foundation把这部难得一见的短片首次线上公开,可喜可贺。