I bi veće, i bi jutro, dan sedmi在线观看

I bi veće, i bi jutro, dan sedmi

  • 上映年代:1975  
  • 别名:And Was Evening and Was Morning, the Seventh Day
  • 地区:南斯拉夫
  • 更新时间:

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《I bi veće, i bi jutro, dan sedmi》又名And Was Evening and Was Morning, the Seventh Day。

收錄于《前南斯拉夫實驗映畫》。  Miodrag Milošević, yet another cameraman like Vladić and Djurić, had by 1977 become the director of the AFC, and together with previous director Ivko Šešić has managed to keep it alive and active as an archive and an ******* production house to this day. Milošević’s own work, like And Was Evening and Was Morning, the Seventh Day (I bi veće, i bi jutro, dan sedmi...


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