John Le Carré: The Secret Centre相关推荐
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阿妙妙 2012-02-01
得奖无数的约翰•勒卡雷,原名大卫•康威尔(David Cornwell),1931年生于英国。18岁便被英**方**单位招募,担任对东柏林的间谍工作;退役后在牛津大学攻读现代语言,之后于伊顿公学教授法文与德文。1959年**英国***,同时开始写作。勒卡雷以亲身经历现身说法。
somnambuleNRR6 2011-04-13
" ...Male pattern of Mata Hari." John le Carré described his 17-year-old spying period in Swiss.
SaturnianAir 2020-08-29
"...he loves standards of human behavior which are unfindable. And, therefore he's some kind of a disappointed romantic, who has to accept compromise as a kind of personal pain.""Emotion was filtered through Smiley. For as long as he was there, he in a sense stood between you and the feelings that you might have. He was a comforter."